Bus station Zadar – information and timetable

Bus station in Zadar on crossroad of Bregdetti and Ante Starčevića street.

Information about schedule and bus tickets reservations:
Telephone:    060 305 305 (call prices: 1,71 kn/min. for fixed line call,
2,92 kn/min. from mobile network call)

Bus terminal working hours: 06:00 – 22:00

The most important bus line departures – domestic and international timetable with bus ticket prices

Contact information

Address: Ante Starčevića 2, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska

Location on map:

Are there any discounts on ticket price while travelling by bus to Croatia or within Croatia? What if you don't use return ticket? Check here: Bus travel discounts

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Tips for traveling by bus

Jokes about bus travel

Murphy's law about busses